January 10, 2009

See? Useful!

I currently only have two pieces of my pottery in use at my house. This bowl, the first that I ever made, is by far my favorite bowl to use for just about everything. It's the perfect size for cereal, pasta, ice cream, you name it! The funny shaped mug is also in use:It is the exact perfect size for a cup of hot cocoa (made with the Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate that I got for Christmas).

Now that Christmas is over and the gifts have all been given, the Dhima household will be collecting more useful pieces! I'm particularly excited to finish the big platter and then throw (no pun intended!) a dinner party so that I can use it! I don't know when the next bisque fire is going to be, but I'll have a lot of things in it. David's Porcelain tends to dry to bone hard more quickly than the Death Valley did. That may just be because all of the pieces I threw using Death Valley ended up being fairly thick...

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