November 3, 2008


One of the most basic types of wheel thrown pots are bowls. I've made a few, though I can't exactly take credit for them all. This first one was actually made by my fabulous instructor, Cynthia, in my first class. I watched, mostly, though I did glaze it myself!
The color is called "Translucent Green Rainbow," though as you can see there is very little green to be had. I think that the glaze has officially been changed to just "Translucent Rainbow." Though the outside:
looks very different than the inside:it really is the same glaze. The inside of the bowl got a thicker coating, which I'll have to remember in the future because I quite like it.
This next one I can claim full credit for. As you can see,
this one lacks the cool rim of the other one, because my skills just weren't that advanced at the time. This one is glazed with "Emily's Purple," which is actually a very awesome blue (hey, I didn't name it!).

1 comment:

lilly said...

they're beautiful. Pottery is on my must do list before I die...keep up the good work.