December 16, 2008

Lots of Pictures!

I was at the studio for 5 hours yesterday. Why? Because I needed to get all of the Christmas presents (minus the steins, unfortunately) glazed. That took me a lot longer than I expected it to, but I think that everything is going to turn out fantastically--or at least I'm trying to think positive. Everything is getting fired tonight (I got confirmation of that directly from Mark, the owner), so I'll be able to collect everything on Saturday. I'm really excited to see how everything works!

My company Christmas party was last night, which was why I went to the studio early, but by the time I was done glazing I was covered in dust and glaze, so I just gave up and stayed. I took pictures of everything that I've been working on after I finished trimming them all. This first piece is the big serving platter that Cynthia and I threw.


Close up of spiraly thingys:

With pen for size comparison:

Last week I threw two little pots, both only two pounds of Dave's Porcelain. The first one unfortunately did not make it through the trimming process:

That's what happens when you don't measure before you trim! I think it would have been pretty cool too, had I not messed it up:

The other one I threw last week is probably the least wobbly and off center piece that I have thrown so far (by myself, of course). From the side:

Top view (with pen, again, for size comparison):

The week before, I threw two small bowls. This one is currently a bowl, but it will probably become a small mug. I'm thinking of doing just a really small circular handle on it...

Top view:

This is the other one, a slightly bigger bowl, top view:

As you can see, not very centered. More oval than circular...Side view:

I did also throw yesterday, though if I had had any amount of foresight I would have skipped doing so. But I did, and I came up with a pie dish that is almost exactly nine inches wide. I started out with 5 lbs of David's Porcelain, intending to make a casserole dish. It ended up a pie dish because I widened it too much and didn't dare make the sides any thinner. I was pretty pleased with the result, until I realized that it wouldn't be coming off the wheel any time soon:

Hence the fan. I was trying to get it to set up enough that I could slide it off, but that didn't actually ever happen. I ended up pulling it straight up after the sides had set enough to do so. That distorted the sides a bit, but it still looks okay.

I could technically wait until next Tuesday to gather all of the glazed pieces, but I probably won't have the patience. If the weather cooperates (stupid snow), I'll go on Saturday morning to collect them. I still need to figure out how everything is going to be wrapped...that's going to be a challenge, but I'll photograph everything before anything is wrapped, of course.

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