September 24, 2009


I got em.

Lots of em.

So, I showed up early on Tuesday and took as many of my pieces out of the damp room as I could find. I think I got them all, though I know for sure that the Paisley Mae bowl is not included in that photo. Cynthia says that she saw it, but I could not find it for the life of me. Also, stuff that's already in the bisque room (hopefully being loaded for a firing) isn't included. I believe that that is the plates and some other random things. I went in early on Tuesday thinking that I would leave early too so that I could get some homework done. Yeah, that didn't happen. I showed up before 5 and still didn't leave until 8:15. I trimmed everything that needed to be trimmed except for that big bowl in the foreground, and threw two more cups. Good thing Christmas is coming because I don't have enough room in my house to keep all of these once they're finished!

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