August 19, 2009

Paisley Mae

Hooray! My best friend April FINALLY had her baby girl! Two days past the due date, but all that much closer to my birthday. Basically, she is freaking adorable. I can't wait to meet her. In her honor, I did some carving last night:Apparently the picture does NOT want to cooperate with me, so it's going to be all vertical because I'm done fighting with it. Anyway, you get the point. I've been experimenting with paisley patterns over the last week, and last night I figured I'd see how it worked out on clay. Not too bad, though not as elaborate as I've made on paper. But then again I don't exactly have the skill or patience to be that elaborate on clay. It turned out well though. I'm happy with it.

I threw a tall vase last night as well. I realized after I left the studio that I hadn't taken a picture, so that will be next week's priority. My theme this year seems to be go big or go home, which isn't surprising because that's basically my life motto anyway. Art imitates life, right? Right.

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