So, it's late and I'm exhausted. It's only Wednesday and I'm ready to be done with it. I really wish I could do pottery every single day. It's such a stress reliever, even though it does cause me its own stress sometime. I'll take the artistic stress over the rest of the stress though, because it makes me want to do better. The regular stress just makes me want to sit around all day and do nothing. Ah, wouldn't that be the life?
I didn't take pictures of anything yesterday because I didn't throw anything last week. I spent all of last week's class on the goblets. I did throw yesterday, though. A lot. And I am pretty happy with most of it. I'm not sure yet, but I think I may have thrown my first sake bottle. Off the hump, even. Pretty exciting. I also threw the rest of my recycled Death Valley/Daves Porcelain. I actually really like the combination, to be honest. Death Valley is really sturdy because it has so much grog. Porcelain has none, which makes it smooth, which I love. But I can't seem to pull it up as high as Death Valley. The combination was still pretty smooth, but it was sturdy. I threw a vase shape with it. Probably the tallest I've done so far. I'm toying with the idea of adding a handle or two...
I will need to buy clay next week. I've still got some recycled H&H left, but that won't be ready to throw by Tuesday. I think I'm going to go back to stone wear. Maybe not Death Valley, but something sturdier. Maybe I'll try Long Beach Medium again. It was sturdy and it's white so it's not the mess that Death Valley can be. One of the girls in my class is using a lighter orange colored clay. I don't know what it is...I should probably find out.
I've got a ton of ideas floating around in my head for forms. I've been sketching them out at work. I'm slowly but surely improving to the point that I can start attempting to actually produce some of these forms that I am imagining. I'm starting to wonder where we're going to keep all of my pottery. I'm going to be bringing stuff home again pretty soon...They're firing a bisque this week. the three cups are going to be in it, and my lidded pot and the awesome bowl. I'm dreading glazing. I've been contemplating doing everything in white, because I know that's safe at least. But I think it's probably better to experiment now while my form is still so shoddy.
The trick is not to get too attached to anything. I'll work on that ;-)
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