June 24, 2009

Moving Right Along

So, I went into the studio early yesterday. I get off work at 2:30, and there's really no point in going all the way home and then coming back. Usually I just hang out with my sis and the nephie poo, but they were busy baby sitting a friend's little one yesterday. So, I just went on in and did my thing. I threw two more plates, which I didn't photograph because they look basically the same as these ones: I mean really, how interesting can plates be? The only part that was interesting, to me anyway, was that these ones were thrown using 3.5 lbs of LBM, and the ones I did last night ended up the same size but I only used 2 lbs of LBM. So that's that I guess. I also threw another wide bowl: Not terribly exciting, I know. This one is the exciting one:
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I'm going to throw a lid for this, perhaps a spout and a handle to transform it into a little teapot. That'd be sweet. We'll see how that goes.

I had a really awesome conversation with my Grandma last night, and she was telling me about a hand-thrown bean pot she used to have and love. I've never heard of them, but I think, from what she described, that these are what she was talking about. I'd love to make her another one (the one she had for years broke a while back), so I'll get to working on that. I also had a pretty stellar idea for Christmas presents for the family: annual plates with names and perhaps the family crest. More on that to come.

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