January 27, 2009


So I'm usually not this on top of the ball when it comes to blogging after class each week (I've been home from class all of an hour). But I am totally STOKED about the piece that I threw today. Check it out:


From the top:

Those YouTube videos really helped! I threw this using my recycled Death Valley. Can you believe it? I can hardly believe it myself. Seriously! It is days like this that make me remember why I want to be a potter...

In other good news, the kiln was loaded for a bisque fire that is going to be lit tonight. That means I'll be doing a lot of glazing next week. I have...seven pieces in this bisque, including the pie dish and the spiral platter. I've been thinking a lot about glazes for the platter, what with the spirals and everything. I'm going to have to run it by Cynthia, of course, but I think I want to put tenmoku (black) in the spirals and then glaze the entire thing clear so the white porcelain shows. Black and white...we'll see how that goes!

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