December 10, 2008

Lame Again

I don't have pictures this week, even though there are at least four pieces that I need to photograph. Plus, I threw two more pieces last night that actually turned out pretty good. Not what I was going for, but they still turned out okay. Next week--I promise.

The last bisque fire before Christmas happened last night (the one that was supposed to happen last week, apparently). All of the Christmas presents except the steins made it in, plus an extra bowl that is one of the pieces I need to photograph (which works out well, because there will be another aunt at our Christmas party that I wasn't originally planning on). I'm not so sure that the brother getting the steins will be around for Christmas anyway, so I should have some extra time to get those done. Hopefully another bisque will happen again shortly after Christmas.

The platter that I (well, Cynthia really) threw last week firmed up pretty nicely. I was worried because the rim fell before I took it off the wheel, but I was able to balance it out by turning it upside down on another bat and letting it sit in the damp room like that for a week. I ended up etching spiraly things in it, but I don't know how much I like them.

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