The good new first: all of the remaining LBM pieces (mugs and vase) and the chalice are going into the bisque fire this week! So, I'll glaze them next week and have pictures of them the week after. There is supposed to be at least one more bisque fire and two glaze fires before Christmas, so I'm pretty confident that I can get the rest of everything done before then!
Other good news: I am 90% positive that my work schedule will be changing as of December 1, 2008, so I'll probably have to start going to the Tuesday night pottery class instead. I hope they have room for is apparently a pretty crowded class.
And without further ado! The steins: These are the biggest cups I've managed to make so far. I'm glad they turned out similar enough to be a set. I'm still not sure about the handles, but I think they'll grow on me. As always, they'll probably look awesome once their glazed.
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