July 29, 2009


So, check it out! It's not exactly even all the way up, but I pulled a tall cylinder and it stayed tall! I didn't get a picture of the end result (a pitcher), but I will next week. Tallest cylinder I've pulled yet. Started out with 4 lbs of LBM. It was going to be a big tea pot, but the clay wasn't having it. In any case, I was stoked about it. I'm crossing my fingers that it makes it through the week. There was some minor cracking issues before I pulled it off the wheel, but I'm optimistic (not surprisingly). I also trimmed the chip and dip dishes. The kiln is currently being loaded for a second glaze fire, and then there will be a bisque immediately after. I have a few bowls going in. I'm hoping to get all the plates into that bisque fire too, but we'll have to see if they are all dry enough.

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