December 25, 2008

Christmas Presents

So, I realized recently that the pictures I took of the finished products kind of suck. I'm going to have to find a different setup next time. In the mean time, bad pictures are better than none, right? Right.

The Mugs:
There is a sliightly reddish tint to everything because I was wearing a red sweater while photographing everything. This combination is celadon green and emily's purple (which tends to run, as you can tell.)

The funny shaped mug:
I'm actually really liking how this one turned out. I was just experimenting and guess what! It worked. The base color is tomato red, and the black lines and the inside are tenmoku. Tenmoku breaks brown when it's thin, so to get the black I had make sure it was very thick.

The Vase:
Translucent rainbow, laid on thick. The more I look at this one the more I like it. At first I was not so much impressed, but it turned out okay I think. I like the green spots around the neck.

The Other Vase:
Celadon Blue. It slid off the rim, as you can see, but I still like it. Very unique...and by unique I mean weird. ;-)

The Challice:
"Special" brown shino. I'm not sure why it's called "special" brown shino. I think it's a long standing joke in the studio. The glaze bubbled like soda when I stirred it up, so there are bubbles on the piece. Oh well. It still looks like the Holy Grail. I'm sure my dad will get the reference ;-)

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